…and 25 more modules
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I have completed the HR Generalist certification course from Protouch. Along with the 3 modules, I got an amazing HR Tool Kit which has immensely helped me in expanding my knowledge. Dr. Aparna Sethi & Mr. Rahul Sethi has very gracefully created the sessions.
Very useful and handy when required to frame or change any policy in the company. This HR Toolkit is designed to keep every possible corporate scenario to deal with.
It includes all the content related to resume building and LinkedIn, study material for HRs covering all the domains of HR including books, articles, case studies, handbooks. It will surely benefit the professionals in successfully cracking the interviews. Highly recommended.
Protouch is one of the most admired talent transformational and reskilling organisations enabling sustainable business and organisational culture impact. An ISO 9001:2015 certified company, its mission is to improve business productivity and enhance leadership development across the organisation.
7th Floor, GoWork, 108 Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon
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